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About Page
  • Home Life Solutions Company.

    athome is a Home Life Solutions Company that contributes to making home life more convenient and enriched. We provide the most suitable solutions (products) for the needs of the full-fledged home life era in lifestyle-oriented product categories such as home appliances, beauty, health food, and bedding.
  • Over 100 people, various brands.

    Based on these business areas, we started as a one-person company in 2018 and have now grown into a solid company with over 100 employees and operating more than 10 brands.
  • A unicorn company with a valuation exceeding 1 trillion won.

    By realizing things no one has imagined, we dream of becoming a unicorn company with a valuation exceeding 1 trillion won in the next five years.
About Page

Home Appliance


Health Food



athome is in various fields
I'm always waiting for good suggestions.