athome Business Area

athome Business Area
The market that athome
aims to address
We aim to identify unresolved inconveniences
in the areas with the highest customer needs
and address them with athome's exceptional products.
Home Appliance.

Home appliances.

So that anyone can enjoy the convenience
of home appliances anywhere.

athome Bussiness


So that anyone can easily maintain
beautiful skin at home at a low cost.

athome Bussiness
Health Food

Health food.

So that people can safely manage
their health with reliable health food.

athome Bussiness


To enhance the quality of sleep
with bedding optimized for the
characteristics of the human body.

athome Bussiness
  • Home Appliance

    So that anyone can enjoy the convenience
    of home appliances anywhere.

  • beauty

    So that anyone can easily maintain
    beautiful skin at home at a low cost.

  • Health food

    So that people can safely manage
    their health with reliable health food.

  • Bedding

    To enhance the quality of sleep
    with bedding optimized for the
    characteristics of the human body.


athome is in various fields
I'm always waiting for good suggestions.